Referral Scheme

We are expanding and looking for new associates and permanent talent to join our team. Support from our community is crucial to our growth plans, so if you know someone who's thinking about their next career move, we can help.

Referral Scheme Form

For every friend secured as an associate or permanent employee with us, we will reward you with a retail shopping voucher. (Shopping vouchers will be worth £500, $5,000 HKD, and ₱20,000 PESO - respective of the country).

Simply fill in the form below, and we will take it from there.

Terms and conditions
This excludes individuals in our database with whom we have had an active dialogue within the last six months. No monetary alternative is available. Referrals must be made using the scheme form to qualify. Your friend must be referred and employed/deployed within a 12-month period. We can only accept referrals for people already working in the country of origin or those who are eligible to work in the country of origin. Following successful deployment, you will be eligible to receive your gift after your friend completes four full weeks of work with us. We accept no responsibility for vouchers not successfully received due to a technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind. We have no liability for lost or stolen e-vouchers once you receive the voucher. We reserve the right to offer an alternative reward of the same value. ECMS decision is final.