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Pete Machin
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Spotlight on... Pete Machin

  • Publish Date: Posted over 1 year ago
  • Author:by Pete Machin
​What is your role at ECMS?

I’m building a business analysis team and centre of excellence that will enable our clients to receive a best in practice business analysis team member at pace, who will provide excellence in BA service. We will be able to show and provide confidence to the clients that we have the knowledge, ability, flexibility and continuous vision to improve our capability.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given by anyone?

There is not one specific piece of advice, but many years ago I had an amazing leader, who taught a lot around how to act in a business capacity. Through the years this portrayed how important mentoring can be to your professional and personal development. Leaders who behave in a manner that is inclusive, allow a voice, provide accountability and make the working environment one that you want to return to each day, no matter how bad a project might seem, is something I aspire to.

What is your favourite part about being a Business Analyst?

The variety of projects, the challenges each project can throw at you that need resolving. And the ever-changing technology landscape.

What in your opinion is the core Relationship Management skill someone should learn to be successful in their career?

Empathy and wellbeing. Understanding your colleagues and their day-to-day challenges and working through them together, will enable the relationship to grow and become collaborative rather than forced. This works for relationships with both your clients and your team.

Your favourite country you have travelled to?

With work, it was Finland, as it was such a friendly and professional environment to work. For pleasure, it would have to be Greece.

What has your career journey looked like?

I have had many project roles in different companies. Starting in insurance, moving to custody banking, private investment banking, life and pensions, commercial banking, wealth management and back to Insurance. I have met so many different people and had the luck to travel many different countries.

The proudest moment in your career so far?

What I am doing at ECMS has already become my proudest moment. Having the opportunity to use my experience and skills in a way that will help other BA’s is a great opportunity. The ambition present at ECMS and the team we have, makes for an exciting time to be part of the journey. We are growing a team who have the skills and enthusiasm to make a cultural impact to how we work and deliver.

What does being an opportunity maker mean to you?

Allowing business analysts to grow and gain the experience necessary to show them how projects can be delivered successfully.

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