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Spotlight on... Angela Docherty

  • Publish Date: Posted 9 months ago
  • Author:by Angela Docherty
​What is your role at ECMS?

Business Analyst - Consultant

What has been your biggest challenge in your career so far and how have you overcome it?

I got stuck in a job I hated and didn’t have the right skill-set to make a change. I overcame this by finding training within my company that supported the career change I wanted to make, paying for training outside of my company, and seeking advice with regards to how to create a skills-based (as opposed to a reverse-chronological) CV.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given by anyone?

You have to enjoy your job because you are doing it 8 hours out of every day. If you aren’t enjoying it, you need to make a change.

If you were not a BA, what would you be?

I would be a low-code developer. I really enjoy the ability that low-code platforms give you to design applications through drag and drop, enabling you to work interactively with a customer to create an application that fulfills their needs.

What is the best part of your job?

Seeing process changes that I have designed and recommended being implemented and making a positive impact on peoples’ working lives.

What is the proudest moment of your career?

My company was introducing a new timesheeting system for offshore resources. A number of managers were resistant because the last time it had been tried it was a complete failure. I won them over by finding out what their struggles were with the current system, vision-building as to how the new system would solve their problems, and a couple of focused pilot implementations to prove the concept. In the end, the biggest resistor became the biggest advocate for the new system.

How do you relax at the weekend?

I love to go sailing on the rivers in Essex and Suffolk.

What is one thing not many people know about you?

I have sailed a dinghy in the crater of a volcano.


Too many times in my career, I have seen big consultancies come into a company, talk only to senior management, make recommendations, and walk away - leaving the staff on the ground to try to implement their recommendations – generally unsuccessfully. What I liked about ECMS was that they like to stay with the customer to help them implement their recommendations.